New Client 60min Remote Session
Service Description
As a new client you are submitting a REQUEST for an appointment. You will select a date/time that you would like an appointment on and submit the request form. Your appointment IS NOT confirmed until someone from our office has contacted you and verbally confirms your appointment date and time.

Cancellation Policy
The terms herein are applicable to the former entity Garcia Innergetics as well as the trademark GarciaEnnergetics™, a part of Garcia Transformational Seminars™. I understand that Hector E. Garcia, GarciaEnnergetics™ and its staff make no guarantees or promises as to the outcome of the session. We are all different and no two sessions or problems are the same. We recommend that you seek the expertise of a licensed physician for diagnosis and treatment of illness, injury, or disease. I further agree to release and hold harmless, Hector E. Garcia, Garcia Transformational Seminars, GarciaEnnergetics™, and staff from any claims related to the outcome of my session. I understand that my appointment time has been set aside for me and I agree to give no less than 72 hours cancellation notice or I will be charged for the time booked. I understand that I am the responsible party and agree to pay for all fees incurred. In the event of a declined credit card, I understand that there will be an additional charge. I agree to allow Garcia Transformational Seminars, GarciaEnnergetics™ to charge my credit card for my scheduled sessions with Hector E. Garcia. Sessions can be paid by Visa or MasterCard only. Sorry we do not accept personal checks. There are no refunds on phone sessions. Phone sessions cannot be confirmed until the client form is completed and submitted. Any information shared with Hector E. Garcia during the session is strictly confidential and will not be reused or released. All personal information including credit card information is strictly confidential. You are responsible for any additional time used and will be charged accordingly. Once we receive the completed form back in our office we will contact you to confirm your appointment. We will provide you with the direct phone number at which to contact Hector E. Garcia. Phone sessions are usually scheduled about 6-8 weeks in advance. The first initial phone session with Hector E. Garcia is 1 hour. The follow up sessions are 30 minutes. The follow up session(s) may or may not be necessary since everyone’s issues are so different. We will give you the approximate time to schedule your next session if needed. Please keep in mind that although the energy shifts or changes can be instantaneous, everyone reacts differently. There can be a settling period for the body and the mind to get on the same page after the session. If you have any questions please let us know. Thank you and have a great session.
Contact Details
+ (858)450-9221
5850 Oberlin Drive, San Diego, CA, USA Suite 320